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Romich Plaza – White Rock

Real Estate

15157 Roper Avenue, White Rock, B.C.

Romich Plaza is a 5400 square-foot commercial property in central White Rock, B.C., a lively seaside community situated 50 kilometers south of Vancouver, B.C. Acquired in 2003 by the Romich Group, the plaza houses its anchor business, Southern Health Care. Current tenants also include Pavlos Restaurant, Forever Nails, Design Group, and ophthalmologist, Dr. Michael Gottner.

About the area: Easily accessible from neighboring cities in the Greater Vancouver Area and located adjacent to the Douglas Border Crossing (one of the busiest in Canada), White Rock attracts older residents and tourists alike due to its warm, dry climate and small village-like culture and comforts. The community centres around the lively Marine Drive strip in Semiahmoo Bay, which offers visitors and residents access to the province’s warmest waters, popular beach activities like windsurfing, gift shops, and restaurants specializing in Westcoast cuisine.